Entries from 2020-10-01 to 1 month

10 Effective Home Remedies For Water Retention In The Body

Water is one of the essential elements of human life. However, for some reason, your body is water retention. This is not good for human health. This situation makes you have difficulty in mobilizing, playing, and working. Therefore, repel…

Shocking! 8 Foods You Wouldn’t Expect To Have Bulk Of Sugar

Nowadays, overconsumption of sugar is an urgent topic within the society that links to the explosion of obesity in many countries[1]. This problem mainly derives from the majority of processed foods. We all acknowledge a host of negative h…

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Chasteberry – Its Uses & Side Effects

Chasteberry is native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean. The shrub has blue-violet flowers, dark purple berries, and long, finger-shaped leaves. Chasteberry has been widely used for centuries to make medicine thanks to its health benef…

20 Home Remedies For Period Cramps: Pain, Bloating & Nausea

For women, having period cramps, also known as menstrual cramps, painful periods or dysmenorrhea, is one of the most commonly annoying parts of their periods. They could strike before or during that particular time of the month. A large nu…