Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

5 Common Causes Of Suffocation In Babies And Prevention

Airway obstruction injury or suffocation is one of the leading causes of unintentional death in infants and young children. This injury can be caused by many things that are lurking around your home. Things that threaten our kid’s life whe…

Top 21 Home Remedies For Hair Fall Control And Regrowth

Hair fall is a problem that a lot of people are facing nowadays. In most cases, hair fall is a normal aging process and is not seen as a life-threatening disease to doctors. However, hair fall is still becoming a common concern of many peo…

7 Natural Home Remedies For Baldness In Forehead

Baldness is a common disease in men, but many women are now affected by this disease. Baldness causes your hair to fall off much and your face grows older. Many people must come to the hair salon to solve this problem. However, this takes …

10 Best Natural Moisturizers For Dry Skin On Face And Body

Dry skin is a common skin issue that many people suffer from, especially in winter months. The list of culprits causing rough, dry skin is long, covering daily bathing habits to improper skincare routine. It is when getting your skin well …

30 Home Remedies For Angina Symptoms

Angina is a symptom or disease with the expression of pain in the middle of the chest. Anyone can have angina because of a variety of reasons. This symptom usually lasts only a few minutes, however, in some cases, it lasts for several hour…

10 Effective Home Remedies For Water Retention In The Body

Water is one of the essential elements of human life. However, for some reason, your body is water retention. This is not good for human health. This situation makes you have difficulty in mobilizing, playing, and working. Therefore, repel…

Shocking! 8 Foods You Wouldn’t Expect To Have Bulk Of Sugar

Nowadays, overconsumption of sugar is an urgent topic within the society that links to the explosion of obesity in many countries[1]. This problem mainly derives from the majority of processed foods. We all acknowledge a host of negative h…

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Chasteberry – Its Uses & Side Effects

Chasteberry is native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean. The shrub has blue-violet flowers, dark purple berries, and long, finger-shaped leaves. Chasteberry has been widely used for centuries to make medicine thanks to its health benef…

20 Home Remedies For Period Cramps: Pain, Bloating & Nausea

For women, having period cramps, also known as menstrual cramps, painful periods or dysmenorrhea, is one of the most commonly annoying parts of their periods. They could strike before or during that particular time of the month. A large nu…

12 Ways How To Get Rid Of Ovarian Cysts Pain Naturally

If you are suffering from ovarian cysts, you should not be so worried because ovarian cysts are not harmful in most cases and they may disappear within a few months. Please indulge in the following section to find out some of the best home…

15 Effective Home Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction In Men

The latest Wisconsin University (USA) survey found that 5% of men under 40 have erectile dysfunction. The general disorder rate for this age group is 40% and increases to 50% when reaching the age of 50. More worryingly, this rate is incre…

Top 19 Beauty And Health Benefits Of Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is derived from liver of Gadidae or cod fish and is available in oil form and capsules. It’s a pale yellow, oily, translucent liquid that possesses a fishy essence and a bland taste. This oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, d…

19 Effective Home Remedies For Phlegm Cough In Throat

Phlegm is a common condition. Coughing is usually a natural reflex of the human body in order to push the dust or object out of the body. The cough may be simply due to the body being irritated, but it may also be a sign of serious illness…

38 Natural Home Remedies For Chalazion Cysts On The Eyelid

Chalazion, also known as eyelid cyst, is a common condition which many of you may get infected. In most cases, a chalazion is usually not serious and resolves on its own within two to eight weeks. When you are infected with chalazion, it m…

6 Natural Home Remedies For Hernia Pain Relief

A herniated disc is one of the most common diseases of the spine in people who overexert themselves physically. A herniated disc has a negative impact on the quality of life and work of patients. This disease often causes severe pain and, …

13 Best Tips On How To Get Rid Of Dark Knees And Elbows Naturally At Home

Now a number of people are suffering from dark spots on knees or elbows, which are harmless. Although these dark spots are not harmful, they make people feel uncomfortable or even irritated. Especially, a lot of people feel embarrassed whe…

14 Simple Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil For Boils On Inner Thigh & Buttocks

A boil also called furuncle is a type of infection that occurs deep under the skin. When the blood cells fight the infection, the boils get enlarged, inflamed, and quite tender to touch. Boils can result from bacteria that live under the s…

Top 20 Natural Home Remedies For Irregular Periods An irregular period, medically known as oligomenorrhea, is considered a common issue among women. It often features infrequent cycles with intervals of over 35 days. A normal monthly perio…

15 Natural Home Remedies For Baby Cough Relief In Summer

You've heard a lot about “the baby cough disease”, but what do you know about it? With any disease, if you do not understand it and do not know its symptoms, it is difficult to detect it early. Coughing is a very common condition in a baby…

TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health

TrueRemedies – All True Home Remedies for Better Health TrueRemedies.com is a rich source of the truest and most effective home remedies to date, together with advice on handling various health and beauty related problems. Website: https:/…