Top 20 Natural Home Remedies For Irregular Periods


An irregular period, medically known as oligomenorrhea, is considered a common issue among women. It often features infrequent cycles with intervals of over 35 days. A normal monthly period is often between 21 and 35 days. Menstrual bleeding usually prolongs for 2 to 7 days. Normally, women have 11 to 13 monthly periods per year, but women with oligomenorrhea have fewer than 6 or 7 periods. This problem can result from a lot of factors such as significant weight loss and gain, eating disorders, over exercise, anemia, menopause, hormonal imbalance, uterine abnormalities, thyroid disorders, liver disease, irritable bowel syndromepolycystic ovarian syndrome, recent birth or miscarriage, and other health problems. Besides, lifestyle choices including smoking, increased exercise, caffeine, travel, alcohol abuse, stress, birth control pills, and certain medications, can increase your risks for irregular periods. If you are suffering from this problem, read this article to learn more about the natural home remedies for irregular periods.

Top 20 Time-Tested Solutions For Irregular Periods

I. Can An Irregular Period Be A Sign Of Health Issues?

Irregular periods often happen during puberty because of the hormones and unstable activity of the ovary. However, it only appears in the first 2-3 years of menstruation.

In women of reproductive age, irregular periods that last for more than three months can be a sign of gynecological diseases such as cervical ectropion, endometritis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. These diseases can affect women’s health and their fertility.

II. Effects Of Irregular Periods

  • Irregular menstruation can change the female hormones, affecting women’s beauty, bone health, and cardiovascular health.
  • The skin is pale, rough, and prone to pigmentation, freckles, large pores, acne, and premature aging.
  • You may feel tired and irritable. You are also more susceptible to osteoarthritis.
  • Prolonged menstrual bleeding may result in heavy blood loss and anemia, which can cause you to be tired, dizziness or experience symptoms such as pale-coloured mucous membranes, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations.
  • Irregular menstrual periods caused by gynecological diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease, cysts, fibroids and endometriosis without timely treatment can lead to infertility.

III. When To See A Doctor

You need to see your doctor if:

  • you have not had a period for 3 months
  • your period suddenly becomes irregular
  • you have a period fewer than once every 35 days
  • you have a period over once every 21 days
  • your periods prolong longer than one week
  • your periods are unusually painful or heavy

Your doctor may recommend medication based on the reason for your irregular periods.

IV. Home Remedies

When there are signs of irregular periods, women should always see a doctor to determine the cause and get proper treatment. Besides medications, there are also many home remedies that can help deal with this problem effectively. The following natural treatments can help you regulate your cycles significantly. There is no science-based evidence for the following homemade remedies. The recipes we've focused on are traditional treatments, so always consult your doctor before applying these remedies.

1. Ginger

Ginger is not only one of the natural home remedies for irregular periods, but it also is effective in women who suffer from scanty or delayed periods. Plus, ginger greatly aids in promoting menstruation flow and reducing the unbearable pain caused due to the monthly periods[1] [2].


Boil 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground ginger root with 1 cup of clean water for about 7 to 10 minutes. You may also add a touch of honey to this solution to enhance its taste. Drink ginger tea after your meals daily up to three times daily. Repeat this way for at least a month to get the best results.

2. Pumpkin Seeds Remedy

Pumpkin seeds can balance the hormones, which help keep the menstrual period regulated. Pumpkin seeds are rich in phosphorus, manganese, protein, magnesium, copper, iron, and essential fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are beneficial for promoting the production of our sex steriod hormones[3] [4]These seeds also contain a high amount of zinc, which is considered the most important mineral for the sexual function of women.


Add a big handful of fresh pumpkin seeds daily to morning oatmeals or puddings, on salads, or as a snack on their own. Consume 2 teaspoons in the second half of the menstrual period (2 weeks before the cycle starts). Follow this method until you get the desired results.

Note: While roasting them can be delicious, it may denature some of the fatty acids and reduce its medicinal benefits.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon may give you relief from menstrual cramps[5] [6]According to traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon is believed to offer a warming effect on your body. It also has hydroxychalcone that can help regulate the levels of insulin and is suspected to affect menstrual regularity.


Just put 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 1 glass of nut milk (like oat milk) and drink this solution for a few weeks. Apart from nut milks, having cinnamon tea or simply sprinkling it to your food is also a great option for you.

4. Grape Juice

Grape juice works wonders in regulating the menstrual cycles. It contains a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, copper, pantothenic acid, potassium, fiber, and pectin. A flavonoid called naringin present in grape helps to regulate the activity of enzymes in your liver[7]Pectin aids in flushing out the harmful toxins from your body while the vitamin C in this fruit is effective at increasing the production of collagen.


Drink 1 glass of grape juice regularly for 2 weeks before your periods to reduce the risk of missing them and helps to maintain their regulation.

Note: Ensure to purchase sugar free brands, not from concentrate.

5. Sesame Seeds & Jaggery Remedy

Are you looking for the natural home remedies for irregular periods? Then try using sesame seeds remedy instantly. This is because sesame seeds can help to balance your hormones[8]They contain lignans that help bind excess hormones. As a bonus, the essential fatty acids present in these seeds promote the optimal production of hormones. Besides, jaggery helps to regulate menstrual periods thanks to its warming effects.


Dry roast a big handful of sesame seeds and grind them with 1 teaspoon of jaggery to attain a fine powder. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder every day with your empty stomach in the second half of your monthly cycle (two weeks before your cycle starts), for several months.

Simply consuming a piece of jaggery, called gur, will also help regulate menstruation.

Note: Avoid using this method during your periods.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can help to regulate your hormones effectively, thus treating menstrual irregularities naturally[9].


Take out the gel from an aloe vera leaf and mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey. Take this mixture every day before your breakfast for about 3 months.

Another option, squeeze out the fresh pulp from three aloe vera leaves and boil it until the color of the gel gets brown. After that, let it cool down and take 1 teaspoon of this gel with 1 cup of water. Consume it in the early morning on an empty stomach.

Note: Avoid using this way during your periods. Caution with latex allergies. Aloe, when taken internally, can affect digestion.

7. Unripe Papaya 

Unripe papaya acts as a powerful emmenagogue. It helps regulate the menstrual flow because it may contract muscle fibers in your uterus[11]It is especially useful for irregular cycles related to menopause and stress.


Take the juice from an unripe papaya and consume this juice regularly for several months. Avoid consuming it during your periods.

8. Chaste Tree

The active ingredient present in the chaste tree helps regularize the functioning of the pituitary gland; hence, balancing the discharge of hormones from the ovaries[12].

It is considered ‘progesterogenic’, supporting the luteal phase of your cycle. You should consume this regularly to normalize your menstrual cycle. If you are taking fertility drugs or are pregnant, avoid using this herb. This herb should not be used in combination with birth control pills.

Note: If you are taking fertility drugs or are pregnant, avoid using this herb. This herb should not be used in combination with birth control pills.

9. Turmeric Remedy

Turmeric is a warming herb that is also one of the natural home remedies for irregular periods and balancing hormones. It contains emmenagogue properties that help to stimulate menstrual flow. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects help to give you relief from menstrual painn[13].


Consume 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric mixed with nut milk, jaggery or honey. Take it every day for a few weeks or until you notice an improvement. Turmeric is best absorbed when taken with a fat, a small amount of black pepper.

You may also take its supplement form; remember to consult a doctor for a proper dose.

10. Calendula

Calendula, also called garden marigold, is rich in flavonoids and quercetin that help to improve blood circulation. Moreover, the analgesic effects of this flower reduce the premenstrual pain[14].


Pick up two grams of dried flowers of calendula plant and add it to 200 ml of boiled water. Let them steep and strain. Consume this infusion 2 times per day.

11. Coriander Seeds 

Coriander seeds come with emmenagogue effects that may help to stimulate the menstrual flow[15].

Apart from stimulating menstrual flow, it may also stimulate menstruation.


You boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds with 2 cups of clean water and wait until the water remains just a cup. After that, use a strainer to eliminate the seeds and consume the concoction thrice a day for a couple of days before your menstrual period.

Or, you may also take coriander juice every day for several months.

12. Bitter Gourd

This vegetable aids in regulating your hormones. If you are looking for the answer to how I can get pregnant with irregular monthly cycles, then opt for the bitter gourd. Drinking the juice extracted from bitter gourd does not cause disturbance to the metabolic function in the body, which makes it a great option[16].


Pour water over 200 grams of chopped bitter gourd in a clean bowl. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Let it sit for about 7 to 10 minutes. Slightly squeeze them and eliminate water that comes out. Blend it and consume after adding one teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink this for 1 to 2 times per day for several weeks to get the best results.

13. Fennel

Fennel is an effective emmenagogue that helps to promote the flow of menstruation[17]In addition to this, its antispasmodic effects reduce cramping related to premenstrual syndrome[18].


Take 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds and soak them in 1 glass of clean water overnight. In the morning, strain this solution and drink it. Follow this way daily for one month to get the results.

Or, grind 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds into a fine powder. Then, add this to 1 cup of boiling water and steep it for 5 minutes. Strain this mixture and consume it.

14. Hibiscus Flower

These flowers help to balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body and regulate your monthly cycle[19].


Crush 5 fresh hibiscus flowers finely in a juicer to make a smooth paste. Have this with a little water in the early morning before your breakfast. You should take it for one week before your menstrual cycle starts.

15. Mint

The great mixture of dried mint and raw honey is regarded as one of the best home remedies for irregular periods. It also helps reduce menstrual crams[20].


Consume 1/2 tablespoon of dried mint powder combined with 1 teaspoon of honey. You should repeat this method thrice per day for a few weeks.

16. Juicy Parsley 

Consume 1/2 tablespoon of dried mint powder combined with 1 teaspoon of honey. You should repeat this method thrice per day for a few weeks[21]It is also thought to work as an emmenagogue — a substance that helps to promote menstrual flow[22]Drinking 1 glass of parsley juice per day will make the menstrual period get organized and healthier.


Toss coriander and parsley leaves into a clean juicer.  Pour this juice into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of sugar to it for its taste.

17. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apart from being widely used in beauty issues, apple cider vinegar also offers a lot of health benefits, including treating irregular cycles[23]This fresh ingredient may aid in reducing the levels of insulin and blood sugar, which will help to regulate your monthly periods[24] [25].


Take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a little water one time per day to help you keep irregular periods at bay.

18. Basil (Tulsi) Remedy

Both the basil seeds and leaves are loaded with medicinal effects. It also contains a great source of iron and is considered as one of the great home remedies for irregular periods[26].


Take 8 to 10 basil leaves and make them into a paste. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper powder to the paste. Consume this paste every day. Continue doing this method for 4 to 6 weeks.

19. Yarrow Flowers 

The list of the natural home remedies for irregular periods is incomplete without including yarrow flowers. Herbalists recommend Yarrow flowers as a good alternative treatment for irregular cycles. It may help balance hormones in your body[27]


Boil 1/2 cup of yarrow flowers in clean water for about five minutes. Turn off the flame and strain the tea. Let it cool down and drink this for 3 to 4 times per day.

Apart from following these home remedies for irregular periods, try to relax and maintain a physical and emotional balance. If you often have had regular cycles and the menstrual pattern is changing, visit a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment, especially when you are the 40s, or if bleeding reonsets following menopause.