15 Effective Home Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction In Men

The latest Wisconsin University (USA) survey found that 5% of men under 40 have erectile dysfunction. The general disorder rate for this age group is 40% and increases to 50% when reaching the age of 50. More worryingly, this rate is increasing with age. Therefore, men should learn about the disease for timely preventive and treatment measures.

Vu Van Thanh, 37 years old, from Quang Ninh, Vietnam, said: “Previously, the relationship of my wife and I was still good. But for about two months until now, my work has become much busier, which makes me often go out early and return late. It makes me really stressed and the “making love”, therefore, is also influenced to some extent.

Read More: https://trueremedies.com/home-remedies-for-erectile-dysfunction/