10 Unrevealed Natural Home Remedies For Varicose Veins On Legs And Face

Varicose veins are the chronic disease that can occur in both women and men at the age of over 30. According to statistics from the big hospitals around the world, the rate of patients with varicose veins is more and more increasing. This disease is caused by many reasons, such as standing or sitting for a long time, wearing tight clothes and high heels, changing hormones, gaining weight, etc. People with varicose veins will feel pain in legs after standing or sitting for a long time. Moreover, it can make the skin dry and itching, infect the soft tissues, and change the skin color near the ankle. Moreover, varicose veins not only affect human’s appearance but also cause some unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms, including numbness and edema in your legs and face.

Read More: https://trueremedies.com/home-remedies-for-varicose-veins/